Student Planning is an online resource that provides students and advisors with the tools they need to plan and track progress toward degree completion.
The “My Progress” screen in Student Planning allows you to see which courses you have completed and which requirements remain for degree completion. The My Progress screen lists courses by requirement:
- General Education courses
- Major Requirement courses
- Major and Free Electives
Your Academic Plan:
- Provides a suggested order to complete degree requirements
- Illustrates a timeline for degree completion
- Is customizable based on factors such as course load and terms
The Academic Plan (Timeline) cannot be used to track the completion toward your degree. In order to understand which courses you have completed, and which courses remain for graduation, you must use the “My Progress” screen in Student Planning.
Your academic plan might not reflect specific courses needed to transfer into a specific major at a specific institution. A transfer advisor can help you customize your Academic Plan to include specific coursework for your transfer goals.
In Student Planning, navigate to “Plan & Schedule,” then click on “Timeline” to review your Academic Plan
An advisor can create an Academic Plan for you, and they will help you adjust it based on the courses you have already completed. You can connect with an advisor by:
- Completing a Fix My Plan request. An advisor will review your coursework and create or modify an academic plan
for you. (link to online form) - Calling the Hub at 732 255 0482 to schedule an in-person or Web-Ex advising appointment
- Emailing the Advising Office at advisingoffice@shushijia.net
- Stopping by Advising for walk-in hours – Building #9
While you can load an academic plan by yourself, advisors strongly recommend you see an advisor to create or
modify an academic plan!
Courses on the Timeline can easily be moved from one semester to the next by dragging and dropping the courses.
Click on the dots to the left of the course name and move the course to the desired semester.
*Note: If a course section is already planned, the section must be removed in order for the course to be moved to a
different term on the Timeline.
You can easily add a term to the Timeline.
Click “Add a Term”, select the desired term, and click “Add Term”.
Once the term is added, a course can be moved to that term on the Timeline.
If you are primarily taking courses in Accelerated Terms, or if you are taking a combination of 15-week and 7.5 week
courses, an advisor can help you create a plan that includes these terms.
Placeholders are used to add a requirement to your plan when the requirement offers two or more choices for the course
that will complete the requirement.
The Placeholder adds the requirement to your plan without selecting a course.
The Placeholder gives you the ability to plan ahead for the course without having to make a course choice in advance.
To select a course, click on the Requirement – it is a hyperlink!
You can use the “Search Catalog” button to see the courses can that be used to meet that requirement
Pick the course you want to take, and add it to term in which you plan to take the course
Once you have added a course to the plan, you can remove the Placeholder by clicking the X
Please note! Placeholders are not counted in your total credits for a term until a course is added for the placeholder
Please note! Placeholders do not display on the “My Progress” screen
The Academic Plan (Timeline) cannot be used to track completion toward your degree.
This is because the Timeline View might not reflect a complete degree plan if it is modified
In order to understand which courses you have completed, and which courses remain for graduation, you must use the “My Progress” screen in Student Planning
Your “My Progress” screen is will always reflect which courses you have remaining to complete your degree
Your Academic Plan will help you stay on track for degree completion. However, it might not reflect specific courses
needed to transfer into a specific major at a specific institution.
A transfer advisor can help you customize your Academic Plan to include specific coursework for your transfer goals.
You can request an appointment with a Transfer Advisor to discuss your transfer and academic plans.
For more information on planning for transfer, visit the Advising and Transfer page.
Yes! Your Academic Plan is your starting point, but you can adjust it to reflect situations such as:
- Taking more or less credits in a term (i.e., credit overload or part-time status)
- Taking courses in Accelerated or Summer Terms
- Taking courses in a different order
If you change your major, you need a new plan!
An advisor can assist you with changing your major and updating your plan.
You can connect with an advisor by:
- Completing a Fix My Plan request. An advisor will review your coursework and create or modify an academic plan
for you. - Calling the Hub at 732 255 0482 to schedule an in-person or Web-Ex advising appointment
- Emailing the Advising Office at advisingoffice@shushijia.net
- Stopping by Advising for walk-in hours – Building #9